Greetings one and all. Glad you are back at Uwanadomain. I am in constant search over what is working for buying and selling domains.I just recently purchased Mickie Kennedy's Domain Sales Machine I really think this has some potential.
For the average domainer who is doing this part time you can really learn alot from his instruction. The video is very straight forward. It took me about two hours to watch but has alot of practical advice that you will not find from other places. Mickie has his own style that is proven to make domains sell. Like anything it will take some time and work. If you follow the methods for selling domains and buying them. You stand to gain alot from his experience. Mickie is the domain man who has made over 2.4 million dollars buying and selling domains.
He provides a incredible amount of value including a weekly newsletter with all his secrets and several added bonuses for selling domains. His system is unique and straightforward. I just purchased it and I will keep you posted on my monthly results. If you are looking to move to the next level of domaining. Domain sales machine
will help you.
Once in a while something comes up that may just change the way you think:
The Domain Sales Machine